Education Inequality During COVID 19


The outbreak of coronavirus came as a surprise to many countries in the world. Many countries were less prepared to overcome a global pandemic which has taken away thousands of lives.

The most affected group by this outbreak is children and youth. Majority of children and youth particularly those living at Sub-Saharan Africa have been forced to stay at home and postpone their studies as a measure to curb the spread of COVID 19.  There is no doubt that education is the basic human right and a key to poverty alleviation, inequality reduction and sustainable human development.

Although stay at home has been one of the best measures to curb the spread of COVID 19, there has been an increase in inequality around the world. Children and youth living in developed countries have been allowed to continue with their studies online while students in less developed countries are spending their time performing household chores.  Most of students in less developed countries are less computer savvy leaving aside their lack to internet access, computers, televisions and radios which make studying online impossible to them. This harms the international effort of maintaining an inclusive development which is necessary in maintaining peace and stability of the world.

Recently I had an opportunity to speak online with students from various universities in Africa on maintaining inclusive development in the occurrences of pandemic diseases. I told the students that we recently started the non-profit organization called Karagwe Education Quality Improvement. This organization will enable students attain international standard of education and make them more prepared, should they face a similar situation of pandemic in the future.

Majority of students suggested that it is important to ensure there is inclusive development in the world to avoid conflicts in the future. And that students everywhere in the world should be facilitated to obtain the same quality of education to eliminate inequalities.  

COVID-19 has demonstrated to us the level of inequality in the world particularly in education sector. It is now a challenge to us to bridge this inequality with understanding that inequality increases property crime, violent crime, economic instability, financial crisis, debt and inflation which all together affect international development.

United Republic of Tanzania